Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision.

You should say:

  • What was the decision about?
  • Why was it difficult to make?
  • What did you consider when making it?
  • How did you feel after making the decision?

Sample Answer – Band 7:

I remember a time when I had to make a difficult decision about my career. I was working in a company where I was comfortable, but there was an opportunity to join a start-up that had a lot of potential. The decision was difficult because I had to choose between the security of my current job and the uncertainty but potential growth of the start-up.

I considered many factors when making this decision. I thought about the financial implications, the impact on my career growth, and the work culture of both companies. I also sought advice from my family, friends, and mentors.

After much deliberation, I decided to take the risk and join the start-up. It was a difficult decision, but I felt a sense of relief and excitement after making it. I knew I was stepping out of my comfort zone, but I was ready for the challenge.

Sample Answer – Band 9:

A particularly challenging decision I grappled with was during my final year of university. I was offered a lucrative job in a prestigious corporation, which would secure my financial future. However, my passion lay in social work, and I had always envisioned myself making a difference in people’s lives.

The decision was arduous because it was a choice between financial stability and following my passion. I had to weigh the practical aspects such as financial security, career growth, and societal expectations against my desire to contribute positively to society.

I spent countless nights pondering over this, consulting with my family, friends, and professors, and introspecting about what I truly wanted from my life. After much contemplation, I decided to follow my passion and declined the corporate job offer. Instead, I chose to work with a non-profit organization focused on education for underprivileged children.

The moment I made the decision, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I knew I had made the right choice for myself, even though it was not the easiest path.

Follow-up Questions:

  1. Do you often find it difficult to make decisions?
  2. What strategies do you use when you have to make a difficult decision?
  3. Can you share another instance where you had to make a tough decision?
  4. How has this decision impacted your life?
  5. Do you believe it’s always necessary to make difficult decisions in life? Why or why not?
  6. Looking back, would you have made the same decision?
  7. What role do others play in your decision-making process?
  8. Do you think it’s important to take risks when making decisions? Why or why not?

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