Week 5-6: Vocabulary Building – Activities: Vocabulary Games


In Week 5-6, we’ll add an element of fun to your vocabulary building journey with engaging games. These activities are designed to make learning enjoyable while expanding your lexicon. Let’s dive in and explore some vocabulary games!

Word Bingo:

  • How to Play: Create bingo cards with different English words related to travel, food, and other hobbies. Call out definitions or synonyms, and participants mark the corresponding words on their cards.
  • Example Sentence: “If you have the word ‘adventure’ on your card and I say ‘exciting experience,’ mark it!”


  • How to Play: Write down travel, food, and hobby-related words on separate cards. One person acts out the word without speaking, and others guess.
  • Example Sentence: “Let’s see if you can guess the word while I act out ‘scuba diving’!”

Vocabulary Pictionary:

  • How to Play: Provide participants with a list of travel, food, and hobby-related words. They take turns drawing clues for their chosen word while others guess.
  • Example Sentence: “Can you guess the word based on this drawing? It’s related to travel and starts with the letter ‘B’.”


  • How to Play: Choose a word related to travel, food, or hobbies and draw blank spaces for each letter. Participants guess letters one at a time. For each incorrect guess, a part of a stick figure is drawn.
  • Example Sentence: “Try to guess the word! It’s a type of food with six letters, and it’s often served at breakfast.”

Crossword Puzzles:

  • How to Play: Provide crossword puzzles with clues related to travel destinations, types of cuisine, and various hobbies. Participants fill in the grid with the correct words.
  • Example Sentence: “Complete the crossword puzzle by filling in the blanks with words related to travel and food.”


  • How to Play: Use letter tiles to create words on a game board. Words should be related to travel, food, and hobbies. Each letter has a point value, and the player with the highest score wins.
  • Example Sentence: “Form words related to hobbies and place them on the board. Try to use high-scoring letters for maximum points!”

Vocabulary Relay Race:

  • How to Play: Divide participants into teams. Write down various words on separate cards. One team member picks a card, reads the word aloud, and the team has to provide the definition or use it in a sentence.
  • Example Sentence: “Team A, your word is ‘adventure.’ Provide its definition or use it in a sentence within the next 30 seconds!”

Tips for Effective Vocabulary Games:

  1. Encourage Participation: Create a supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable participating.
  2. Provide Clear Instructions: Ensure that all participants understand the rules of the game before starting.
  3. Incorporate Variety: Use a mix of word types (nouns, verbs, adjectives) to challenge participants.
  4. Adjust Difficulty Levels: Modify the complexity of the words or clues based on the proficiency level of the participants.


Engaging in vocabulary games is a dynamic way to reinforce your learning. By making the process enjoyable, you’ll find that your retention of new words related to travel, food, and hobbies improves significantly.

This guide introduces a variety of vocabulary games tailored to your Week 5-6 syllabus, providing a dynamic and enjoyable way for students to enhance their vocabulary.