Activities: Tongue Twisters for Self-Study – Week 3-4


Tongue twisters are fun exercises that help improve your pronunciation and fluency. In Week 2-3, we’ll focus on mastering some challenging tongue twisters for self-study. Practice these regularly to enhance your articulation and speech clarity.

1. “She Sells Seashells”:

Twister: She sells seashells by the seashore.

How to Practice:

  • Repeat this twister slowly at first, then gradually increase your speed.
  • Pay attention to the precise pronunciation of each word.

2. “Unique New York”:

Twister: Unique New York.

How to Practice:

  • Start slowly and aim for clear articulation of each word.
  • Increase speed as you become more comfortable.

3. “Red Leather, Yellow Leather”:

Twister: Red leather, yellow leather.

How to Practice:

  • This twister focuses on precise pronunciation of ‘r’ and ‘l’ sounds.
  • Repeat it multiple times to improve your articulation.

4. “How Can a Clam Cram”:

Twister: How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

How to Practice:

  • This twister challenges your ability to articulate various consonant sounds.
  • Start slowly and aim for clarity before increasing speed.

5. “Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Bear”:

Twister: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?

How to Practice:

  • This longer twister helps with continuous speech and pronunciation of ‘w’ and ‘z’ sounds.
  • Begin slowly, and then try to say it as fast as you can while maintaining clarity.

Tips for Effective Tongue Twister Practice:

  1. Start Slow: Begin at a comfortable pace, ensuring each word is pronounced clearly.
  2. Gradual Speed Increase: As you become more confident, try to say the twisters faster.
  3. Precision Over Speed: Focus on accurate articulation rather than sheer speed.
  4. Use a Mirror: Watch yourself in a mirror to ensure correct mouth movements.
  5. Record Yourself: Use a recording device to assess your progress and identify areas for improvement.


Tongue twisters are enjoyable yet effective tools for improving your pronunciation and fluency. Regular practice with these twisters will lead to clearer and more articulate speech.

This guide provides a selection of tongue twisters along with instructions for self-study. Students can practice these on your website to enhance their pronunciation skills.