Scenario: Coffee Shop Conversation

You and your partner are at a bustling coffee shop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, and the low hum of conversation provides a cozy backdrop. You approach the counter, ready to place your order.

Practice ordering your favorite drinks and engage in small talk with the barista.

Student A:

  • Barista: Hi there! What can I get for you today?
  • Student A: Hi! I’d like a medium latte with almond milk, please.
  • Barista: Sure thing! Anything else?
  • Student A: Actually, could I also get a chocolate chip cookie?
  • Barista: Of course! That sounds delicious. Will that be all for you?
  • Student A: Yes, that’ll be it. Thank you!

Student B:

  • Barista: Hi! How can I help you?
  • Student B: Hey! I’ll have a small cappuccino, please.
  • Barista: Got it. Would you like it for here or to go?
  • Student B: To go, please. And could I also get a blueberry muffin?
  • Barista: Certainly! Anything else?
  • Student B: No, that’ll be all. Thanks!

Engaging in Small Talk:

After placing their orders, Student A and Student B strike up a conversation with the barista.

  • Student A: It’s quite busy in here today!
  • Barista: Yes, it is! We have a lot of regulars in the mornings.
  • Student B: That blueberry muffin is my go-to. It’s always so good!
  • Barista: I’m glad you like it! It’s definitely a popular choice.

The conversation continues with friendly banter about coffee preferences, favorite treats, and perhaps even a recommendation for a new drink to try next time.

Take a moment to reflect on this exercise. Did you feel comfortable ordering? Did the small talk flow naturally? Practice in a simulated environment like this helps build confidence for real-life scenarios.

By providing specific scenarios like this, students can immerse themselves in practical conversational exercises, allowing them to apply their newly acquired language skills in a controlled, supportive environment.